Funny Reviews Channels Like Mista Gg

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hi the outsiders fandom let me back in plsssss i like gay ppl 👍👍👍👍

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I can't believe I haven't thought of this before! How often would sr reader make godfather references once giorno is the don?

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it's difficult to imagine that sr reader wouldn't at least slip it into a conversation once. giorno doesn't strike me as a huge movie-watching type, as he's too busy, so it's likely only mista would catch on to sr reader's reference. he'd clap his hands together, pointing at reader, saying smth like, "Oh! I get that!"

if giorno saw you and mista laughing over something though, he's going to be doing research to understand it later. would likely look up the quote and have a moment of Realization. where he's just going ah. of course [First] would do this. it all makes sense now.

the problem with stuff like this is that mista does not know when a joke stops being funny. you laugh at one of his jokes one time and he's gonna be telling it forever.

anon 2 said: Sorry i just had a surge of inspiration for completely pointless scenarios with sr reader. During Mista's rant about the four slices of cake i feel like sr's solution would be to forgo cutting up the cake altogether. "Buy the whole cake, grab a spoon and start eating, don't even bother with a knife."

tbh most of the scenes in scarlet ribbons fall into that description... AND YES i could see her saying something like that! she's patient with mista for the most part, but sometimes it can be a bit too much. especially if she was having a rough day for whatever reason. then all bets are off...

anon 3 said: I imagine that in Mista's and Fugo's route, they both have a daughter with SR reader that they just spoil silly. Very cute with them but huffy if you try to mention it!

THAT'S SO CUUUTE... in my mind, i actually imagined fugo having one daughter with reader possibly! and i think it'd be funny if mista had like. triplets or something. just bc of the chaos factor of raising so many kiddos at once. mista would be so obvious that he spoils his kids, whereas fugo is more lowkey about it. fugo would try his very best to be the good father he never had. mista is that annoying dad that shows up to every single one of his kid's school events, front row, loudly cheering them on. the day mista's kids develop their own stands, and can see pistols, would be gg. sr reader is mentally preparing for the occasion.

anon 4 asked: Omg it's christmas/sprite cranberry time and I was wondering if you maybe had plans to write some SR christmas scenarios? If you don't that's fine and if you do, you might wait till December...

CHRISTMAS SCENARIIIIOS AHHH YES!! i've gotta do it. i have some rough knowledge of how christmas is celebrated in italy (although it's called Natale instead), it seems to be an even more widespread occasion. which makes sense since italy has a strong catholic history. tbh i think that narancia would be the only one SUPER hype to celebrate it with reader, with mista as a close second, but the others would still partake in festivities if reader wanted to. omg... just thinking about it now is so cute. i Will make a hc post about it later after i do more research!!!

one thing is for sure though. sr reader gets a Fuck Ton of presents every year. especially from giorno... man is flexing his financial muscles big time. calm tf down giorno it's not a competition . narancia also gives reader the most heartfelt, handmade gifts ever. AHHHHH okay i need to stop and save all this for the hc post but you get the idea.

anon 5 said: Now you've piqued my interest with the 'giorno suffers in sr universe'. Its a given giorno cant keep his cool dignity hanging with the bucci gang but how else has he had to compromise his dignity now with sr in the picture.

how giorno tries to charm sr reader is different than the others in that he isn't outright feral. but that doesn't mean he's a complete pushover, it's just that it takes a moment to realize he's being cheeky. because of that the others might not even notice the implications of his words until later. for example, if anyone was hovering around reader too much, giorno might hit them with a,

"You seem to have trouble leaving [First] alone."

it doesn't feel like an insult, but trust me, there's some snark in there. giorno lets some things roll off his back, however, there are still brando genes at work in him. gotta keep papa dio in hell proud by being a coy little shit every now and then. :')

anon 6 said: Do u have anything for abbachio in the works for scarlet ribbons 🥺

i don't have anything separate planned really as i have a super difficult time writing for abbacchio, but, when i whip together a christmas hc thing of course he'll be there!

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Pi recommends: commentary/video essay youtubers

aka just some i really like, in no particular order.

Quinton Reviews: His most well known series is "Fallen Titans" in which he talks about any internet topic that was big at some point but has since died out. Anything from trends to forgotten youtubers. Inbetween those are also movie reviews and social commentary

Todd in the Shadows: His commentary is specifically about pop music. Annually he lists the top 10 worst and best pop songs from that year

Danny Gonzales: Very well known. His commentary videos span over drama, movie reviews and people. His editing is very nice which enhances his comedy quite well

Drew Gooden: He does similar content to Danny and they often collab which make for really funny videos

Kurtis Conner: Similar content to Danny and Drew, so much they did a comedy tour together. His editing is different from the others with a lot of deep frying or fucking up the audio for comedic effect

Cody Ko: Probably the most well know out of the community. His videos can be more harsh in commentary and are more about specific people, most of them ytbers

Noel Miller: Similar to Cody but can be a bit more lighthearted. Undoubtably together they shine the most as their series "That's Cringe" and "Love Island" are legendary and funny af

Internet Historian: As the name would suggest his content is mostly about the internet and if not he takes a look at what the internet thought about the topics he talks about. His editing, script and voice are a wonderfully unique combo. I deeply recommend his reading of "My Immortal"

Saberspark: He only talks about animation and related things. The videos are nice but I find he can repeat himself which gets annoying sometimes. Though his newer videos are def better than his older ones

Nerd City: Very Entertaining channel that talks about mostly Youtube stuff. The editing is supreme as is the research on each topic. The videos feel very unique with their style, cameos and characters

LEMMiNO: My absolute favourite video essay channel. He started out with top 10 lists but then moved to videos about all sorts of topics outside of youtube. The research put into each and every video is amazing and his voice is very pleasant

Scott Cramer: He does some funny commentary videos about different topics. The videos have a nice sarcastic tone to them and he weirdly has a lot of insight on (nearly) being on tv??

Nick Robinson: He puts a lot of work into solving mysteries that not many people care about. The biggest meme of his channel is booking a plane ticket to Japan to solve a mystery (these are the lengths he will go to). At the end of a video he can hook you in so far you care about how the mystery gets solved

Whang!: His series "Tales from the Internet" talks about exactly what the title says. Shorter to longer stories about stuff that mostly happened years ago. He also tackles lost media

Fredrick Knudson: His video essays in "Down the Rabbit Hole" can tackle many different topics but have mostly been about internet stories. The videos are quite lengthly (like WingsOfRedemption which clocks out as over 2h) and dive deep into what or who he is talking about that by the end you get extremely interested

Pyrocynical: His videos are about the youtube sphere and drama but he's dove into other stuff as well. The editing is very heavy and top notch, with memes added that are up to date. I personally found his review of "Cube" really good and hope he does more stuff like this in the future. The better pewdiepie

Jay Exci: Most of the videos are either about movies (mainly Marvel) or hating on cinema sins. His videos are nice to watch on the side if you are interested in the topic but his uncripted style doesn't hook you really in

24 Frames of Nick: He talks about movies and shows as well with 50/50 animation and live action focus. His style is kinda unique and entertaining. His videos are a lot shorter than most movie reviews being only around 10min long which is a nice length to just watch one before you have to head places

Schaffrillas Productions: His videos are mostly animation reviews that are a bit longer than Nick's. They have a good script and funny jokes

Mista GG: His content is kinda all over the place and you can never really expect what his next video will be about, though they are mostly negative in nature but his humor keeps the tone light. He made a big series where he reacts to "How to Catch A Predator" episodes which imo are nicer to watch than the actual episodes since his jokes (making fun of the pedos) lift the mood up and he presents content that you can find on the website that were too much to put on TV

Cosmodore: He does nice animation reviews with a light tone and funny jokes

Jarvis Johnson: Jarvis' video take on a lighter note and mostly talk about stuff on youtube. His style and personality make the videos very entertaining

The Right Opinion: His videos are mostly drama, but with their work and because he gives his opinions, they do count as commentary. Very nice to turn on while doing something else or if you want to really inform yourself about a youtuber drama

Karsten Runquist: Movie reviews who's commentary is sarcastic. The videos are short and sweet, being about or under 10 min long.

I Hate Everything: Alex video have a more hatred tone to whatever he is talking about (as his name would imply) but are always funny. He focuses more on movie reviews but has dove into pretty much any topic. Wwhile gives fair criticism its also amusing to listen to him shit on something

captainmidnight: Videos about all sorts of movies and series. The editing with added bits of old video footage fitting the theme make his reviews unique to any others

ralphthemoviemaker: You can guess what he talks about. He knows a thing or 2 about movies and brings up very good points in his scripts. My favourite of his is his Minion review

PhantomStrider: He does top 10 lists focused on animation. The videos themselves are honestly not that special, sometimes kinda boring, but his voice alone makes up for that. His worst lists are better to me than the positive ones ngl just bc him getting mad is funny

blameitonjorge: His channel dives into a lot more darker things so I would almost call him a horror themed channel but then there is a lot more neutral stuff too. The videos are a nice length and always have good research put into them, presented in a way that really hooks you in

Jack Saint: Jack puts way too much thought into movies but somehow actually makes a good point. His videos analyse movies critically and politically. You might have seen "The Political Implications of Talking Dog Movies" go around as a meme. Though my favourite is his avatar vid

Now You See It: Pretty well known channel that talks about great stuff done in movies and explains why they are so good. The videos are short and informative

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